Explanatory note - election of directors
In accordance with the AMBA Constitution and By-Laws, directors appointed to a casual vacancy are only appointed until the next AGM, but are eligible for election at that meeting. Additionally, the AMBA By-Laws provide that the term of office for each director is two successive years, after which they must retire but are eligible for re-election up to a maximum term of 6 years. The By-Laws also require a director to only hold a particular portfolio for a maximum of 3 years.
Having regard to these requirements, six directors are required to retire at this AGM, having served a two-year term, an additional third year, or having been appointed to a casual vacancy. All are eligible for election/re-election. The names of those directors and the portfolios that they currently represent are:
Maria Critti-Schnaars [Family Programs and Services - appointed 4 May 2013 to the Publications portfolio]
Ashlee Tenberge [Chairperson - appointed 26 October 2013 to the Technology portfolio]
Daila Mohr [Club Services - appointed 24 October 2015 to the Member Services portfolio]
Cathryn Zischke [Finance - appointed 29 October 2016 to the Finance portfolio]
Daniel Fairfull-Smith [Awareness and Advocacy - appointed 29 October 2016 to the Business Development portfolio]
Sonia Romeo [Organisational Development - appointed 29 October 2016 to the Sponsorship & Marketing portfolio]
In addition to those board directors required to retire at this AGM, there are additional vacancies on the board, currently representing the portfolios of Governance and Marketing & Communications. Please contact the Chairperson, Ashlee, for further information.
Nominations for the board positions to be considered at this AGM are invited from all full financial members of member-clubs, via this online form. Nominations must be received no later than 72 hours prior to the AGM, that is by 1pm Wednesday 24 October 2018.
Individual members interested in nominating to be a director are encouraged to contact a current member of the board to discuss the role, responsibility and expected time commitment of AMBA directors.